
May, 2014

Poslovna zgrada je Z-oblika, uglovnica s pristupnim trgom na križanju Vukasovićeve ulice i ulice Kunišćak, projektirana na 9. nadzemnih i 4 podzemne etaže. Prizemlje je sa poslovnim prostorima uslužnih djelatnosti i 8 katova namjenjenih za uredske prostore. Podzemne etaže su garaže, pomoćne prostorije i spremišta. U oblikovanju pročelja primjenjuju se suvremeni materijali – osnova je dvostruka staklena fasada. Kao elementi zaštite od sunca koriste se žaluzine/screenovi unutar dvostruke fasade.

The Z shaped office building, a corner site with access by the square on the intersection of Vukasovićeva and Kunišćak Streets, was designed as a 9 floor and 4 underground levels building. The ground level consists of retail and various amenities with 8 floors for office space. The underground levels are garages, assisting and storage spaces. The facade consists of only the most contemporary materials – it’s basically a double facade as well as screens within the facade for sun protection.