Početak gradnje

May, 2014

 Zagrebački gradonačelnik Milan Bandić položio je kamen-temeljac za dječji vrtić i osnovnu školu u naselju Vrbani III, investiciju vrijednu više od 120 milijuna kuna. Vrtić i škola trebali bi biti dovršeni za godinu dana, a gradonačelnik se građanima Vrbana ispričao i zahvalio im na strpljenju jer je gradnja trebala početi i prije budući da na Vrbanima u dvije tisuće stanova živi desetak tisuća ljudi. Vrtić i školu po modelu javno-privatnog partnerstva projektirao je Proarh a gradit će tvrtka “Tehnika”.

Milan Bandić, Zagreb’s Mayor has set the inaugural founding stone for the childen’s kindergarden and elementary school in Vrbani III, an  investment of more than 120 million kuna. The kindergardent and schoool should be completed within the year, and the mayor has apologized to the inhabitants of Vrbani and thanked them for their patience since construction should have started sooner for a much needed facility in the two thousand apartment and ten thousand people neighbourhood. Both the kindergarden and school are owned by a private-public partnership model and were designed by Proarh and will be constructed by the firm ‘Tehnika’.